Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Golden Mix, Vol. I

I'm going to start making mixes each month for you. I actually started back in January, i just haven't gotten around to posting them. So here's January's, and we'll slowly catch up to the present. This mix was made for my friend Tim for his 26th birthday.

(By the way, i designed these mixes to be copied onto tapes.)

The Golden Mix Vol. I (January 2011, c47)

Side One:
Benedictine Monks of St. Michaels: Kyrie Christe Eleison
Horseback: Invokation
Codeine: Second Chance
Woven Hand: This Beautiful Axe
Rome: Herbstzeitlose

Side Two:
Celeste: De Sorte Que Plus Jamais Un Instant Ne Soit Magique
Suncarcass: Svalbar I
Current 93: Passenger Aleph in Name
Benedictine Monks of St. Michaels: Te Lucis Ante Terminum


  1. siiick.
    I'm starting a threshold signs "radio show" soon too.

  2. taking my idea and making it better!! good work!! keep these motherfuckers coming
